You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Hot dogs have never been seen as prime cuts of meat, but a new study has found human DNA in some samples. Study: Sustainably-Sourced Goods are KEY for Protecting Endangered Species, California Will Get Swamped by Millions of Mosquito-Killing Mosquitoes, Yellowstone Grizzly Bears Lose Federal Protection After 42 Years, 15 Health Benefits of Cucumbers: Grow Your Own Cooling Food, Ancient Medicine: Black Seed Oils 21 Powerful Health Benefits, Avocados Could be Key in Avoiding Metabolic Syndrome, Numerous Ailments, Cinnamon Could Increase Ability to Learn, Study Says, Your IBS Diet Plan 9 Dietary Tips for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. ", "We are unfamiliar with [Clear Food] and have a difficult time determining what to make of their methods or their findings," NHDSC spokesperson Janet Riley told ABC News in a statement today. 2015 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. For most of us growing up, it was one of those irresistible rumorslike how some rock songs have satanic messages if you play them backwardsthat aren't true but were endlessly fun to repeat. It also found human DNA in 2 percent of its hot dog samples and two-thirds of the vegetarian samples. Scientists may have tracked down the small percentage of DNA that might give modern humans the qualities unique to the species. Basically, any food that you havent personally grown or harvested. ", "It's entirely possible that the human DNA found could be linked back to the company's own staff," Riley said in a statement on Tuesday. The study also concludes that 10 percent of veggie dog brands tested contained meat. A report found some evidence of human DNA in a small percentage of tested hot dogs, a study shows. What they found was that 14.4 percent of the items tested were problematic in some way, either as a result of contamination - which means that a non-harmful contaminant was found, most often human DNA - or substitution, which is where another food ingredient that's not on the label has been added. Woot! After analyzing hot dogs from 75 different brands, Clear Foods discovered human DNA in 2% of the samples studied. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. It also found human DNA in 2 percent of its hot dog samples and two-thirds of the vegetarian samples. ", (As of this writing, reps at Clear Lab have not responded to requests for comment.). Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Is there any food more maligned than the lowly hot dog? Who are Really the Top Shareholders of Monsanto? This $50 Meal Prep Plan Will Help You Build Muscle, 10 Food Subscription Boxes Worth Ordering, Theres Nothing Special About Gut Health Diets. We didn't reach out to any of the major hot dog manufacturers, because obviously they would only deny the study's findings. Samples showed chicken, beef, turkey and lamb were found in products that were not supposed to have those ingredients. "We found chicken in a vegetarian breakfast sausage and pork in a vegetarian hot dog," the report explains. "What we do know is that any product collected in the marketplace was inspected and passed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. After the WHO went public with their findings on the effects of red meat and cancer, there's more troubling news from the meat industry. Farmer Reports: GMOs Causing Deformities, Birth Defects in Piglets, GMO Corn and Herbicide Found in 100% of Frito-Lay SunChips Samples, Dangerous Ingredients: 54% of Food Sold at Walmart is Banned by Whole Foods Market, EWG Report: Your Tap Water is Contaminated with Toxic Forever Chemicals, Is Non-Toxic Nail Polish Really Non-Toxic? And if this new research is in any way factual, 1.4 of your yearly hot dogs have bits of people in them. The study comes from Clear Labsa food analytics startup based in Menlo Park, CA which used "genomic technology" to investigate hot dogs on a molecular level. This dental device was sold to fix patients' jaws. Concession stand worker Janice Towns checks on the hot dogs she is making July 23, 2013, on National Hot Dog Day at Busch Stadium in St. Louis. Butterball, McCormick, Eckrich and Hebrew National received the top scores for quality hot dogs among major brands. Hygienic issues occur when some sort of non-harmful contaminant is introduced to the hot dog, in most cases, human DNA, said Clear Food in theirstudy. "I would imagine if you used the same technology to discover what was on cereal boxes in the grocery store aisle, you might no longer 'trust' what is in other food products as well," Campbell says. And despite the genomic tests being done in California crowd-sourced labs, they probably dont have any people parts. The hot dog and sausage report was self-funded, according to Clear Food. Adding these foods to your diet may help to increase your odds of, Kale is the newest craze in the health world. The other other white meat. Clear Food says its testing found human DNA in 2 percent of all hot dog samples. Researchers for Clear Labs, a company that sets standards for food quality, looked at 345 samples of hot dogs and sausages from 75 brands and 10 retailers, assigning each brand a score up to 100 for the highest quality products. I have been in numerous plants that make hot dogs and other processed meat products across this country, he told us. Meers, W., Hot Dogs Contain Human DNA, Veggie Dogs Contain Meat: Study, The Huffington Post web site, October 28, 2015; Yes, two percent of hot dogs and sausages out there contain human DNA, as a new study recently found.. Just try to think a bit more about DNA testing while you're doing so. All rights reserved. All of these things can contaminate meat on the production line as its prepared and packaged. What are they going to tell us? For most of us growing up, it was one of those irresistible rumorslike how some rock songs have satanic messages if you play them backwardsthat arent true but were endlessly fun to repeat. Last year, scientists were able to extract the DNA of Denisovans - a little-known human population for. By MORGAN KORN October 27, 2015, 8:50 AM Americans spent $2.4 billion last year on hot dogs and another $2.74 billion on sausages according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council. Still, it's always nice to use a little science when making your shopping decisions, so go forth and gorge yourself on hot dogs. But if its vegetarian products youre looking for, your best bet is to make a trip to Trader Joes. Credit: Marek Janta. Beef, chicken, pork, and lamb were all found as unlisted ingredients. Three percent of samples contained a pork substitution, which is particularly troubling for people who do not eat pork for religious reasons. How did actual human DNA end up in hotdogs? Clear Food says its testing found human DNA in two percent of all hot dog samples. Could Hibiscus Tea be Better than High Blood Pressure Drugs? They classified the types of issues as either substitution and hygienic. Vitamin Status. Human DNA found in the hot dogs was classified as a hygienic issue because human hair or skin dander likely got into the product during the manufacturing process, said the study reported. The researchers found that there were issues with more than 14% of the samples analyzed. They analyzed 345 hot dogs. Sean Gallup/Getty Images By Tina Hesman Saey July 16, 2021 at. MORE: 5 Gross Guy Habits That Are Good for You, The study comes from Clear Labsa food analytics startup based in Menlo Park, CA which used "genomic technology" to investigate hot dogs on a molecular level. "In most cases, a lot of humans are employed in the meat industry, and their DNA is throughout the building. The study, conducted by food analytics lab Clear Food, analyzed 345 different hot dogs and sausages, including vegetarian versions. Challenge yourself to drink one gallon of water DAILY at least for 30 days! Julie Fidler has written hundreds of articles on key world topics such as health, drugs, and law. What is a Detox Bath and How do You take One? First of all, let's all take a deep breath. Clear Foods, which "uses genomic technology to analyze the world's foods at a molecular level, ingredient by ingredient," released a report recently that it said was designed to look at the accuracy of the content labels of several major hot dog brands. But this is not a "contaminant" but a "non-aesthetic idea of something in our food that the average consumer feels may not be pleasing to them.". However, areport uncoveredsome startling findingson what peopleare really eating when theybite into a frankfurter. Is that even possible? Yes, humans work at meat processing establishments, he says. Around 3% of hot dogs and sausages analyzed contained pork where it wasn't listed, ten percent of vegetarian dogs included animal DNA, and most shocking of all 2% of samples contained. Scientists have sequenced the oldest Homo sapiens DNA on record, showing that many of Europe's first . about Take The Gallon Of Water Challenge! Eric Spitznagel is a frequent contributor to magazines like Playboy, Esquire, and the New York Times, and was employed for over two decades by the Second City comedy theater, where Stephen Colbert was his Secret Santa _twice. The goal wasn't to freak everyone out about eating hot dogs - let's face it, most of us already assume our sausages contain a few wildcard ingredients - but to give us more scientific information with which to make our dietary decisions. "One thing's certain: questions about the hot dog are as old as the hot dog itself. They're still, as with most things in life, best in moderation. This content is imported from youTube. Oh, and she loves to take care of two ridiculously- spoiled cats in her free time. "Theres the old saying, 'You dont want to know how the sausage get made.' Human DNA Found in a Small Sample of Hot Dogs and Sausages by Julie Fidler Posted on October 28, 2015 Updated on October 24, 2021 General Health The next time you squeeze some ketchup onto a ballpark frank at a baseball game, you should know you could be eating porkor you could be eating someone's eyebrows or spit. But it's definitely disconcerting news for all those who are trying to cut down or avoid eating meat products by buying vegetarian options. In light of the news that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has officially listed processed meats such as bacon and sausages as cancer-causing, this is probably the least of your worries if you're an avid hot dog lover. "Skin is not allowed as it has no muscle tissue and thus does not qualify as a muscle trimming. Do they have appropriate laboratory quality procedures with both positive and negative reference sample controls in their analyses? Hot dog sausages contain human DNA, study says, and many vegetarian ones contain meat Another problem is that 4.3 per cent of burgers contained pathogenic DNA, which can cause food. Developed By, Antibiotics Could be to Blame for Skyrocketing Mental Illness Rates. There were also issues with the nutritional content listed . Clear Food is the consumer outreach arm of Clear Labs, a B2B food analytics startup based in California. As one example, in the mid-nineteenth century, rumors suggested that butchers used dog meat for their hot dogs. 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Hot dogs are considered one of the most American foods. Some minor adjustments to your diet might be exactly what you need. "It is unlikely that human DNA is harmful to consumer health. Hot dog ingredients have long been a source of controversy. Eric Spitznagel is a frequent contributor to magazines like Playboy, Esquire, and the New York Times, and was employed for over two decades by the Second City comedy theater, where Stephen Colbert was his Secret Santa _twice.