Ciel is unnerved when "Ciel", suddenly cheerful, tells him that he is glad to be reunited with his family. She knows that English-speaking fans call him "Our Ciel" which she thinks is cute. [471] Baldroy, Finnian, and Mey-Rin comment on how big the house is. [159], Ciel, his servants, Lau and Ran-Mao all arrive at the curry competition. Nevertheless, Ciel requests for another "game," saying that kids have a greed for games. [416] Finnian happily points out that she is speaking English now. Ciel announces that this proves that the boys are already dead and whips out his gun. Holding a horrified Ciel, he softly tells him he can finally place the Earl in one of his specially made coffins. [336], After everyone settles down, Ciel notes that Gregory never really drew Herman, his original model, at all. Sebastian states that Ciel worked hard. Arthur sums up the situation: Charles had tried to make Ciel out as the killer; Ciel and Sebastian made thorough preparations to clear any suspicion surrounding themselves, and even though they know that Grey is the killer, they made the innocent Karl into the culprit. Second, pay attention in school and try to expand your education whenever possible. Sometime afterward, Sebastian presents his findings, having flagged four locations. He and Sebastian viewed the ruined manor, then visited the graves of him and his parents. However, only a few could not understand why it became so . Ciel responds that he won't be returning to "that cramped miniature garden ever again."[379]. you stayed in the shed that luckily didn'. Amused, "Ciel" declares that the head of the Phantomhive house, Ciel Phantomhive, is actually he. As a side note Ciel seems to enjoy drinking tea a lot he is adept at distinguishing between them as well and sweet . [318], Ciel starts his daily schedule at school. He, then, discovers a multitude of poor children. Gregory then concedes and allows everyone to help. But instead, he grabs Ciel tie (which was crooked) and straightens it. Everyone feels that his eyesight may have been affected by the attack as well. When Lau suggests that Ciel infiltrate the manor and kill "Ciel", Ciel reveals that "Ciel" has a "troublesome private warrior" protecting him. One of the engineers suddenly calls out to them; they all do the Phoenix pose to prove that they are one party. [348] Ciel watches as Sebastian "handles" the drawing for the "fair and impartial" dorm matchups for the game. Azzurro impulsively shoots at Ciel, but he soon discovers that Ciel is still alive. [67], Sebastian and Baldroy then held a conversation outside Ciel's bedroom. Ciel, then, passes out treats to a group of children, and recalls his own family when he sees another. He does manage to tell her that his parents are dead. When Finnian states that it is impossible for there to be two Ciels, "Ciel" asserts that he is real. He also asks Edward to let Snake take his place on the lifeboat because he has to go back. However, he blows too hard on the warm milk (at the speed of 50m/s). Coincidentally, in, Ciel's death date of August 26, 1889 is the historical date on which Queen Victoria signed the, Ciel uses rather foul language when he criticizes people he despises. [163], When the tasting commences, Agni's curry is highly praised whereas the judges are skeptical of Sebastian's curry doughnut. Dagger then introduces them to Suit, who is actually William T. Spears. Some of the corpses then start crawling up the luggage. However, Grelle, being a Grim Reaper and a co-criminal, possesses the supernatural abilities that would allow access to the prostitute's room without Ciel and Sebastian knowing. Baldroy complained about Sebastian's comment, and Ciel berated them both for being loud. Ciel realizes this would be the prime opportunity to meet the headmaster. He asks Ciel to cooperate, but Ciel states that he refuses to conspire with a filthy "sewer rat." [227] Ciel and Sebastian praise Arthur for his insightful deduction. Although he questions how they have recognized him, he soon realizes that they are members of the Aurora Society after they do the Phoenix pose. Snake is certain that Ciel has caused the first-string members of the Noah's Ark Circus to disappear, and therefore he wants to kill Ciel. He arrogantly mentions that he will receive the Royal Warrant, and when West leaves, Ciel comments gleefully that he cannot wait to see his face when he loses. Ciel is discomposed. [215] In the morning, Ciel wakes Arthur up, saying that Sebastian, strangely, has not come back. Ciel has Sebastian assemble the group, which is divided into pairs to tackle each location: Ciel and Sebastian will investigate the new resort hotel in Brighton. Published by at June 30, 2022. Ciel angrily tells Soma he told Soma to act like they don't know each other. Ciel declares that Karl's motive is success in the diamond market, and that he must have wanted to dispose of Ciel first. [319] Out loud, Ciel mentions that he would find it difficult to play against his friend from the Scarlet Fox dormitory, Derrick Arden. Regaining consciousness, with blood flowing out of his mouth, Sebastian agonizingly roarswith all his strength, he clasps Ciel's outstretched hand. Victoria says that it frightens her even though they may not be doing anything malicious. When Ciel reads the Queen's letter, everything starts to fall into place. Ciel tells him that Karl was not the criminal in this case. He admits he even let his own aunt die for the same reason. Once they taste it though, his curry is also well-received. [288] Ciel desperately screams Sebastian's name again and again. [545], When Ciel asks Soma if he is hurt, Soma hits him across the face. Sebastian left briefly, and when Ciel returned to him, he found the manor had been rebuilt by the demon. The group suddenly sees a village in the forest, and everyone disembarks from the carriages. Ciel joyfully replies that he's so happy, he can forget about the pain. The doors rapidly shut before they can get out. [316], In class, Ciel and McMillan are discussing how he got in when Clayton arrives and makes everyone line up. [505], Later, in a carriage, Ciel talks to Sebastian about how he fell asleep due to a drug of sorts but emerged unscathed like the others. Luckily, Sebastian arrives just in time to save him. how does ciel phantomhive drink his tea. In the process of the sacrifice, "Ciel" was stabbed in the chest and died. Ciel affirms that "novelty and individuality" will allow them to transcend the Starlight Four. After he is done, a blood-covered Sebastian stands wordlessly in the boat. [32] He lies without compunction, particularly while he is undercover, and he is cynical and distrustful of the integrity of others. [122], Sebastian prepares him milk tea to soothe his nerves. Best Answer. Sebastian apologizes, stating he knows he has failed as a Phantomhive butler. In the morning, Ciel jolts awake, incidentally grabbing Sebastian's wrist. Because he is last, Ciel has to polish the prefects' shoes. Blavat silences the aroused crowd and urges Sebastian to depart from the place immediately. [168][169], Later at the manor, Soma bursts in Ciel's bedroom, bewildered by television. [65] Several days later, Ciel summoned Sebastian to the Phantomhive Room. He then flees to his room, where Ciel later enters to explain his situation and encourage Soma to be independent. Ran-Mao urges Ciel to eat on the side. Ciel and the others disguised as "flowers" on a boat. While Gregory sketches charcoal drawings (Ciel notes that each one is nothing like the model), they discuss June 4th's main event-the Inter-Dormitories Cricket Tournament. [552], "Ciel" chides Ciel for confusing the servants by impersonating him. Sebastian then explains to Arthur what really happened with the murders, and in the process, reveals that Grey was the one who killed him and Georg. On Ciel's order, Sebastian passes out a folder to each of the five, which details what role they must assume on stage. After the death of his parents he took over the company and became the head of the Phantomhive familly. He tells Sebastian to organize another list of suspects since Aleister is obviously not Jack the Ripper. Undertaker then explains his entire plan. Ciel, then, suggests bribing the tradesmen who enter and leave the building daily, but admits that Blavat will be the first to hear about it if negotiations fail. [432], All of them, Sebastian included, line up by Ciel's bedside. Sieglinde curtsies to the Queen, and the latter welcomes her to England. Gregory suddenly screamno one should go into Violet House. Sebastian reassures him that they will do everything tomorrow. [110], Angelina comments that it is sad Ciel has figured it out, because now they cannot play chess together anymore. There, she explains in detail her association with Blavat and the music hall, and also admits that she never met "those with the names of stars," who are of higher status than the S4. They then agree to not interfere with each other. The twins' buyer initially treated them kindly, giving "Ciel" and Ciel a bath and treating them to a splendid feast, including game meat. Grelle comes up with a feeble excuse for why she is there, despite unequivocally being covered in the prostitute's blood. Lau, Sebastian, Ciel, and Soma follow Agni, and they reach a building where their target has entered. [423] The darkness slowly envelops Ciel as Sebastian issues his ultimatumabandoning his revenge halfway is against the contract. [491], Bemused, Ciel wonders to himself if Blavat truly means what he said, and if he is a supernatural being disguised as a human. Ciel orders Sebastian to destroy the Panzer. He hides behind crates but is discovered by Doll. Kelvin eagerly guides him to the basement. They then discuss business and commence introductions. He did this for himself as he wishes for those who betrayed the Phantomhive family to experience the same level of humiliation and suffering he did. [573], Ciel stands up suddenly and stuffs himself, to the astonishment of all and to the disgust of Ran-Mao. igf bundeswehr schieen . After assisting Elizabeth, Snake offers his hand to "Smile" and pulls him up. [431] Sebastian remarks that they're really rude for listening at their master's door. Ciel tells his butler that they have received a call from Italy from Chlaus, who would arrive at six o'clock that day. Ciel is a short, slight teenage boy with grey-tinged,[12] blue-black hair and rich peacock-blue eyes. are engraved on the wall. Both Ciel and Sebastian remark on Queen Victoria's "fearsome" powers of observation, and the former explains to Edward that the Queen has requested him to investigate the music hall. Ciel retorts that he will not allow Ronald to belittle his butler. [512], When a couple of tradesmen accidentally drop a box, Nina Hopkins scolds them. Nevertheless, Ciel reassures him that everything will be all right. Soma shouts back that Gregory cannot protect with his "worthless pride." Edward comments that the performance was full of "passion and punch," and Ciel agrees. [393] Baldroy and Finnian both call out to see if anyone's there. He breaks free from Soma and leaves; alone, he softly repeats the very words he told Soma. In his inner world, Ciel meets his parents, Angelina Dalles, Doll and Joker. Oddly so, the investigators themselves became regular attendees, even after their investigation was over. He and Sebastian ask a couple of residents for the location of a music hall under construction, and they point the way. He adds teasingly, though, that Ciel still does not grow taller at all. When she finds them outside her window, she's shocked. Sebastian asked Ciel if he wanted to make a contract and have his wishes granted. However, Ciel denies this, because he had many opportunities to save this woman, but he placed catching the killer above saving her life. This disqualifies the duo; Sebastian and Ciel continue to seek hidden Easter eggs. [492], Afterward, Edward runs to Ciel and asks why Blavat had Sebastian thrown out. Species When Arthur proves the impossibility of just one person committing the string of murders, an uproar occurs between the guests. However, Undertaker suddenly gets the upper hand when he easily jumps to the top of the staircase and grabs Ciel. Blue House energetically celebrates with an elated Ciel as their hero. [260], Ciel, Snake, Elizabeth, and Rian start moving towards his room. [374] He orders Sebastian to capture him, but Vice headmaster Johann Agares comes to Undertaker's defense. Suddenly Sebastian returns, and Ciel goes with him. [517], The doorbell sounds, and Agni leaves to get the door. Slightly piqued, Ciel tells Sebastian to also seek out anyone else who may have been deceived by Maurice. Season 1, Episode 1 He tells them that Undertaker came to visit him and then left for France. After the tooth's removal, Ciel threw an angry fit at Sebastian. Ciel responds that Sebastian is the least trustworthy of all.[470]. Ciel says he felt irritated so he had trouble sleeping and comments that Soma and Agni stayed out all night. [142][143], At dinner, Soma and Ciel discuss his problem. [223], After Jeremy's request is carried out, Jeremy examines the corpses individually. Afterward, Ciel and Sebastian decide to head to Phantomhive Manor, as Ciel wants to be "certain" about a matter. Arthur explains that Ran-Mao, who has Ciel's clothes and thus his scent, attracted the snake. Undertaker arrives, and reveals that he rescued "Ciel"'s body from the fire that night because he would not be able to restore him, if he were burnt to ashes. [205], Back at Phantomhive Manor, with Elizabeth's insistence, Ciel agrees to calling Nina Hopkins over to tailor their clothes. Sebastian has Ciel light everyone's lanterns, which the latter does via a candle. As the dolls swim towards them, Ciel urgently tells Sebastian to get in. Determined, Finnian responds that the day Ciel gave him a name, he decided to protect him. Undertaker remarks that he dislikes the Queen because she forces harsh tasks for the Earl to complete. He commands Sebastian to stop a child from being killed, and Sebastian verifies that the children there were kidnapped by Kelvin. [538], Subsequently, Ciel and Sebastian enter the aforementioned music hall, and descend hidden stairs to reach the room where Blavat had taken blood from the men. Character Description: Ciel Phantomhive. He then wipes Elizabeth's tears and dances with her. He also states that, taking into account the fact that Bizarre Dolls require copious amounts of blood in order to function, "Ciel" must require the same, but, with Sphere Music Hall forcibly shut down, "Ciel" must have arranged for alternative sources to obtain blood. Baldroy remarks that he had forgotten he hid some specially made eggs there, to which Sebastian is puzzled as to why he would do such a thing. :Oadditionally, i forget to mention the flashback scene with baron kelvin. Sebastian, however, stops her and apologizes for failing as a butler and putting her through so much trouble; he adds that he will handle the rest. [137][138] Despite this, Soma continuously interrupts Ciel throughout the day. Lau points out that no one can leave the manor because there is a storm. Ciel and Sebastian go through great lengths to evade Elizabeth Midford so Ciel's identity will not be discovered, and in effect, tarnished. Anime Victoria is joyous; she praises Ciel for accomplishing his mission and asserts that his parents must be happy along with her late husband Prince Albert. Sebastian states that Ciel is so admirablethats how an English gentleman should be. He points it at the headmaster and asks him to tell the truth. He prefers sweet things above all. Soma states that they are giving them food since it is his duty as a prince and the viceroy of Ciel's townhouse to do so, and Ciel comments that the place has turned into a "soup kitchen." When Ciel concludes that that must be the reason why Sphere Music Hall was collecting blood, Othello shows him the soul retrieval list, on which the men's death day entries have been overwritten. Sebastian reveals it was Snake, who he has captured. [94] Undertaker appears out of a coffin and informs them that the murdered prostitutes all had something in common. Sebastian has accompanied him to a cluster of buildings. Sebastian recognizes military elite and prominent members of the House of Lords, and Ciel says that they were on Grey's list. Ciel has a fianc. Ciel mocks Soma for falling for a trick like that and smugly asserts that he will take any measure to win. Soma then enters the room, and the investigators wonder who they are. Although Ciel succeeds in uncovering everything, Maurice seemingly gets the upper hand by making his lackeys catch Ciel and start hitting him. Ciel suddenly recognizes one of the names as his grandmother's. Elizabeth throws the ring on the floor forcefully, and it shatters into pieces. [501], Later, at Ciel's townhouse, Sebastian tells Ciel that closed meetings for those with different bracelets are held on different days of the week at the Sphere Music Hall. He slyly adds that Ciel looks so petite in his dress-completely resembling the Emerald Witch. Soma incorrectly deduces that Ciel doesn't care about his suffering and grabs his shirt in fury. They follow the trail of blood, and discover Agni at the door, with a multitude of knives in his back. Ciel comments that in this country, the best place to look for news of a person is by going to a club or a pub (which is what Agni and Soma are doing); so, they are not up to something insidious. Team Red forfeits the match, and Team Blue is declared the victor. Sebastian has already returned home before them. Ciel offers to help, and Soma hugs him joyfully. THEN GO BLOODY GET SOME! Distressed by Ciel's "lazing about" and Sebastian's "indecency," Francis decides to begin retraining, and they later end up at the stables. They go outside, and Ciel tells him about his findings. He explains that the so-called curse of the Werewolves' Forest was, in fact, toxic mustard gas, which they halted the development of in England because of its dangerous nature. [91] Ciel and Sebastian ride on a carriage to London and arrive at Ciel's London townhouse. "Not directly, but Rook wound up having to make a huge line for guests to take pictures with him." Ciel said and Jamil gave a little nod as he got himself an iced chai tea and Kalim a drink. Relatives Pandemonium and confusion follows as the corpse moves wildly. Ciel reports the entire story to the Queen himself. [238] Alexis Leon Midford also over-affectionately hugs Ciel, addressing him as his "future son. Ciel scoffs, comparing said rivalry to the trivial rivalry of women. When Sebastian opens the entrance underneath the magic circle, Sieglinde is shocked. [219] Afterward, Ciel concludes that the only one who could not have been the criminal is Arthur. Tanaka then returns the badge of the Phantomhive head butler to Sebastian. Ciel, screaming wildly, commands for him to get up to no avail. An excited Blavat informs him that he is favored by the divine protection of Sirius. [571] Initially, Ciel and Sebastian assume that Lau is cooperating with Scotland Yard to claim the bounty placed on Ciel. He reveals that he has remodeled the basement to resemble the cult Ciel was victimized in three years prior. Grelle states that she will be taking Undertaker, while Ronald states that he will finish off Sebastian, the "weakened one." [16] Since then, he wears earrings. He snaps at Soma before going to his bedroom. [544], Later, Ciel and Sebastian arrive at the townhouse, where Sebastian notices that something is amiss. Sebastian put a hand to his chest bashfully. Snake does not respond as he stares straight ahead. Ciel manages to catch the falling egg in the commotion and hangs on tightly to the chandelier. When Sebastian informs Sieglinde about the possibility of Ciel being drugged, she leads them into a room filled with contraptions. Ciel declares that they will have to witness it for themselves and orders Sebastian to prepare a carriage for them. Later on, Sebastian brings Sieglinde to see Ciel. Second-String Member of the Noah's Ark CircusStudent at Weston College He dodges them both, but Ciel catches his chain of mourning hair lockets. davenport, fl crime rate P.O. He sleeps with a gun under his pillow. Unconcerned about his condition, Ciel wants to follow it immediately, but Sebastian stops him. [179] The next day Ciel introduces himself to the circus members as Finnian, a pageboy who had worked at the same place Sebastian had. [107], Later, Ciel is disguised a pauper boy. They were both dressed and brought into a cathedral occupied by a cult. When Ciel says that their priority is locating Elizabeth, Edward tells him that he can see Elizabeth if he goes to the music hall: Edward had gone to the meetings a few times and attempted to convince her to return home, but, each time, Elizabeth refused to and claimed that her "radiance" lies there, at the music hall. Earl Ciel Phantomhive is the main protagonist of the Black Butler manga and anime franchise. [194], They soon arrive at Kelvin's manor. [18][19], Ciel sports two rings. Afterward, Ciel asks Sebastian why he revealed his true form. When Cheslock questions their choice of Clayton, Sebastian modifies Clayton's appearance, and they are all impressed with the result. When the elevator doors open, they find a room full of monitors and radar equipment. [391] Sebastian instructs the servants to put the luggage in one carriage, and then they all set out. Now, he will aim to learn many things and become a great man; however, Ciel dismisses that as mere talk. Although the P4 protest that the headmaster had nothing to do with it, the headmaster suddenly speaks. [13] As described by his tailor, Nina Hopkins, Ciel has a well-proportioned body: His arms and legs are thin, his shoulders slim, and his waist narrow. Sebastian changes them at once and then assists Ciel and Elizabeth down. I returned for myself. [376] As he smashes one of the doll's skulls, he adds that he cultivated it, so he will not be robbed of it. Sebastian hands him a cup of tea, and Ciel dolefully stares at his reflection in it. Angelina replies that aside from being the Queen's Watchdog, he should have another way of living- a brighter way instead of pursuing revenge. *smiles* 4. Everyone's families will be in attendance; however, this causes Lawrence great distress because he has three older and four younger sisters. Afterward, the officers allow them to pass. After killing it, Sebastian quickly places his hand over Ciel's mouth, silencing him. [539], They find Gregory, and wake him. Ciel then informs him that the first-string members were kidnappers of children. Soon after, Ciel reveals that he does not know anything about Sebastian's past, just like the rest of them. The P4 arrive, and Edgar Redmond sees Ciel standing on the grass. Ciel then shoots him. He tells her to remove her dress because it is preventing her from moving easily through the water. He uses "that" strategy (Lau's girls) to distract Team Green's boys. When the children praise the quality of the bread and how nice the people there are, Ciel comes to a realization, and announces that he has figured something out. Afterward, Ciel goes to sit with Soma, offering to play poker to keep him company. He presses his forehead against hers as red flower petals drift through the chapel at this time, much to the guests' surprise. [303], Several days later, Ciel has completely recuperated; he also discovers that Elizabeth is currently in the manor and intends to celebrate Easter together with him, Sebastian, Baldroy, Mey-Rin, Finnian, Snake, Edward, Soma and Agni. Joker guides him to the dining hall for dinner. [341] As the students start pouring out, Ciel tells Sebastian to keep an eye out for Derrick and the other boys. Queen's WatchdogSmile (Noah's Ark Circus) [130] He takes information on the Anglo-Indian assaults from them in order to review the case. He tells him to bowl with all of his strengththe entire team feels that even if they lose, they will have no regrets. [417] Once she is done, she leaves with Sebastian. Ciel replies it is awkward to hear that when he is wearing a dress. Lau has Ciel, Sebastian, Baldroy, Finnian, Mey-Rin, and Snake wear hair ornaments before they, along with Ran-Mao, leave. However, the summoned demon unexpectedly chose to form a contract with "Ciel"'s twin instead of with any of the cultists. [292], When Sebastian grimaces in pain, Ronald says that he does not want to "pick on the weak." [157], In just two days, Lau provides them with the finest selection of spices. . [252] While Sebastian holds off Knox, Ciel states he will go on aheadwhen Sebastian is done playing, he should follow him. [78] Ciel is horrified and attempts to slap Elizabeth, but Sebastian stops him. Snake follows him, but Ciel turns back to help Elizabeth. While gazing at the scene, Ciel remembers all of the critical events that transpired in his life. black butler: ciel phantomhive Earl Grey and sweets - the perfect combination for afternoon tea, and the perfect descriptors for the infamous Earl. He occasionally has flashbacks of the incident and loses awareness of his surroundings. With the score Blue 105-Green 103, Lawrence starts to feel dejected. Elizabeth immediately offers to carry him on her back. Within seconds, Ciel realizes that Wolfram unbelievably dodged his bullet. They discover that Grelle is the murderer. Ciel orders Karl to sit down. He and Sebastian go out to greet them, and Francis comments that Ciel's and Sebastian's bangs are improperly long, and they should take after Tanaka. [368] When everyone is about to protest about Ciel's sudden change in behavior, Edward unexpectedly speaks upthey all should not interfere with Earl Phantomhive. Soma, reminded of his task, shows a sloppy drawing of a lady named Mina, a maidservant at his palace. The guest of honor, Georg von Siemens, comes as well, and Ciel encourages them all to freely chat at the buffet. Ciel can speak French fluently and understands Latin. He then casually mentions his "friend," Derrick Arden. was war die militrische aufgabe der soldaten im schtzengraben / thick hair ponytail circumference / thick hair ponytail circumference Ciel claims that he is fine, releasing his butler. [543], Ciel tells Sebastian to inform Fred, Grey, and Phipps about the Bath music hall and Gregory's whereabouts. Ciel tells Chlaus to ignore the tablecloth and continue eating leisurely. He reminds Sebastian of Rule #87now all they have to do is wait for Derrick and the other boys to come out. [513], After Nina and her assistants exit Sphere Music Hall, Ciel offers to take her home. He walks to her casket, and he says that the white flowers and subdued clothes she was placed in do not suit her because only passionate red does. When the hall is empty, Ciel immediately summons Sebastian. [23][24] His paramount goal is to exact revenge on those who harmed him and his family, and he is willing to sacrifice his soul to accomplish it. Nevertheless, Ciel smiles and places the ball in his hands. Ciel warns Fred that if he were to act openly, the individuals in power may not only hush up the investigation, but they may fail to catch the true mastermind, as well. Hurriedly, McMillan tells Ciel that the dormitories have really intense rivalries. [493], When Ciel asks Edward which star Elizabeth is under, the latter reveals that it is Canopus and that Elizabeth was also told that she is rare. Earl Ciel Phantomhive (, Shieru Fantomuhaivu) is the current head of the Phantomhive house, the notorious Queen's Watchdog, the owner of the Funtom Corporation, and an Aristocrat of Evil. He brushes aside Sebastian's offer of asking for a more detailed reason, stating that it is the job of the Watchdog to "get excited and run as soon as you throw a bone at it. Ciel starts drowning in the memories of his traumatic past. Agni also comes in, and Sebastian casually comments that he just saw him last at Weston College, secretly protecting Soma. Ciel sadly wondered why no one was there to help him. Sebastian apologizes for his carelessness and carries him to the manor where Sieglinde and Wolfram reside, to have him treated. Ciel reads books from various famous authors, such as. At one point, Sebastian reports to Ciel that they have drawn about twenty percent of Sphere's attendees to their music hall. Ciel says he does not know and shows the bracelet to him, disclosing the fact that the bracelet is made of pure silver; he observes that the bracelet, thus, is far too opulent to be bestowed as a souvenir upon persons who get their fortunes told. In the second season, Ciel's height is 158cm (5'2"). Grelle soon reveals her true form as a Grim Reaper, and Angelina reveals herself as her partner-in-crime. [150] They all return to Ciel's London townhouse, and they discuss Agni's amazing powers. A distraught Ciel, seeing Agni's corpse and the state Soma is in, says that he told Soma and Agni to stay out of his business. When Grelle tells Sebastian that he should ask her out on a date, Ciel and Sebastian pointedly ignore her. The servants bid their farewells, and Ciel leaves the manor in their hands. kriegshetzer mal'korak respawn; how does ciel phantomhive drink his tea . Ciel replies that he is welcome to stay, but Soma responds that he learned everything they are teaching when he was a young child. They then insult Georg in French. Sebastian informs him that Francis and Elizabeth Midford are visiting this afternoon, and Ciel gets anxious over this, ordering Sebastian to quickly make preparations.