Keeps the mission, vision and values of the City of Port St. Lucie at the forefront of decision making and action; builds strategic and collaborative relationships and interacts with others in a way that builds confidence and trust; provides excellent customer service by taking action to accomplish objectives, maintains high levels of work and productivity by generating innovative solutions to work situations. Prepares and recommends to the City Council a Comprehensive Plan and program for the installation of municipal improvements. The Comprehensive Plan covers ten major topics, each known as an element: Future Land Use, Transportation, Housing, Infrastructure, Conservation and Coastal Management, Intergovernmental Coordination, Recreation and Open Space, Economic Development, Capital Improvements, and Public School Facilities. Legal Description: A portion of Tract A, LTC Ranch West Phase 1. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Click here for Online Citizen Self Service Platform (Tyler EnerGov), FAU Harbor Branch Ocean Discovery Visitors Center, Small Business Development Center at IRSC, Code Setbacks, Lot Size and Open Space (Table 7-10), Rezoning/Amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas, Future Land Use Map Change and Text Amendments, Land Development Code/Comprehensive Plan Wavier, Appeal of Decision by Administrative Official, 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982. 23) View what's changed This Land Development Code and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. ), requires all counties and municipalities throughout Florida to adopt local government comprehensive plans that guide future growth and development. Addresses issues that relate to the physical and visual aspects of the community environment that individuals can personally and directly impact through their own actions plans various public events to build environmental awareness and encourage volunteer efforts for litter pick-up and the proper disposal of household chemicals. St. Lucie County asks residents, businesses, and visitors to help protect sea turtles by adopting sea turtle-friendly practices on our beaches during the upcoming nesting season. Florida law, Chapter 163, Part 2, Florida Statutes (F.S. Location: The property is located on the north side of Tradition Parkway between SW Fernlake Drive and future N/S A roadway. For instructions on how to upload a document, click HERE. x\W@~\W#]vqLQ)q,Dt:cofwW+ w`GNK^hEP>F0J% \APQHBkJ"mf(a)EzGo-bVBV{A(b9#d NCzEk:6I s& h,rH$tTe1r&HmrRD3T6c$` mHhc m3yII-XG9.`82AElSr01byrR*"Q(,rCE;2h14vV,0-9`Zsy uhhCHCh2M"4T&E9`-e=Q9 #1i* 4 z(%FQ$6DZkf$m0/1W'v} C{GKkuYTIcE HarENQ0#GaKa@kf^_-4bu#+ CHktHs[-qkl>iyz/W)to~?gw]f7;g''Bwelq]webQH1'PC1sI,\/"s,f14chat/f~|}|%y~RG%Xu&jl4d~-oEy~Ks%muP$=49ht,>xtiX481y:|.8E&iR_J|D'=,?NN.(G4+ROWQ/B.6hG^+?KumPX=xCml.Z7hW02 eZY&7-|];0.Eh{VBCV`ZS`9'N1n/hs7GGM*r*VY*gKV9}}sV2T](fsvl Smc)+J'fLNrg@6rg:7-RBGb;'Lty?FfYY6xn,kelfyvee,v>`wv`HNw^,{'7bf]Qzu y-YFXN,A&6P>67?mM01UnoO6^YK]OzYRzhxhWlqkTj45*Y4p""^a^%2;.\OI1v cZ,MuB7Ci{L|a+#x(R"yU|xAa C`f:Dt4Ov |^{&Ro7D-YRKxXD#P>.d!O*#r uCxB!K3$Yd/yi& _8h+i:'@>$iyDK69C6cPCX This is a request for a Special Exception Use (SEU) t, 8.b 2023-122 P22-097 Tradition MPUD (Master Planned Unit Development) 14th Amendment The board members shall be appointed by the applicable governing authority and shall hold office at its pleasure. Legal Description: Port St. Lucie Section 33, Blk 2202, Lot 19 This request is to, 8.a 2023-112 P22-006 Wawa - Special Exception Use Port St. Lucie Blvd. The Owner Name is entered First Name Last Name. Many people move here because of the hometown feel that still exists, even though we are the seventh largest city in the state of Florida. This is a request for a variance of 4.82 feet to allow a 5.18-foot setback from the side property line for a, 8.d 2022-1021 P22-325 St. Lucie Doctors, LLC - Variance 121 SW Port St Lucie Blvd,Port St Lucie, FL 34984 P:(772)871-5225 TDD: (772) 873-6339 Maintained and Developed by City of Port St Lucie Information Technology Department. Meeting Called to Order . Coordinates and manages the Evaluation and Appraisal Reports and updates of the Citys Comprehensive Plan. Section 2. Ex. Service Finder. Location: Generally located south of Becker Road, North of the St. Lucie County line, east of the Florida Turnpike, and west of Veranda Gardens. It also regulates land use and provides the basis for zoning regulations. Affiliated with Keep America Beautiful and Keep Florida Beautiful. appendix a. - impact fees; chapter 160. Prepares and reviews comprehensive plan amendments. In addition, the AHAC is responsible for making recommending specific actions or initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing while protecting the ability of the property to appreciate in value. We'll be sending you new jobs as they are posted. 121 SW Port St Lucie Blvd. 121 S.W. biA1!{> s?aiN>B9(e%PO8&3?pS%D0t& lY,>#i*i5TilD*?I$~9@KdUdYc&2J0%k_7N6E&9nKlqLv0ylr$;`EWe+i"egkp:5[5``8J{XTu}0''Ylempgid(:wPVyERD,iUfT?7';EVm^_n"p`>u(`e/1MaP$4/kXRmVt!M[3c4gyT }yM The Planning & Zoning Commission was created by Ordinance 71-5 & Chapter 12 of the Land Development Code. One (1) hard copy is required to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning office. The authorization letter is Contact Planning & Zoning; Police. and S US Highway 1 8.f 2023-116 P22-366 Defenthaler and City of Port St. Lucie Rezoning Location: Southeast of SW Abraham Avenue and SW Port St. Lucie Boulevard Legal Description: Port . We anticipate this being resolved shortly and are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. The board shall not hear appeals of or render determinations on unsafe building, structures, systems, and equipment, or demolitions of same as set forth in Section 116 of the City code. Group facilitation skills for use with community workshops. We anticipate this being resolved shortly and are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Document uploads provide a easy, fast, direct way to add required and prerequisite documents to an issued permit. 1. This is a highly responsible professional work requiring the ability to handle multiple tasks, including the management of development requests such as: site plans, subdivisions, rezonings, variances, special exceptions as well as to coordinate and manage the Evaluation and Appraisal Reports, updates of the Citys Comprehensive Plan and to prepare and review comprehensive plan amendments. The board shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting its business. A wall designed to complement adjacent development consisting of masonry block with stucco, fluted block, a finished designer block, poured concrete, or pre-cast concrete with a treatment on top such as a cornice, tile b and, or similar accent. P: (772) 871-5225 TDD: (772) 873-6339. . Port St. Lucie Blvd. Regular members shall be composed of individuals with knowledge and experience in the technical codes to include, to the greatest extent possible, an architect or engineer, Division I contractor (GC, BC or RC), electrical contractor, HVAC contractor, plumbing contractor, building code administrator, and a member at large from the public. Secure Services; PSL Online Services. Applications | St. Lucie County, FL Departments and Services Planning and Development Services Planning Division Applications Print Feedback Share & Bookmark Font Size: + - Click here for Online Citizen Self Service Platform (Tyler EnerGov) Pre-Application Meeting Request Form Pre-Application Lot Split Request Form Targeted Industry List This request is to rezone two adjac, 8.g 2023-121 P23-001 Southern Grove - Capstone Cottages - Landscape Modification The percent (%) can be placed at the beginning or end of a string of characters in any of the search fields. (772) 871-5225, Planning and Zoning Board on 2023-03-07 6:00 PM, Strategic Planning Session on 2023-03-08 8:00 AM, Special Magistrate Hearing on 2023-03-08 9:00 AM, Strategic Planning Session on 2023-03-09 8:00 AM, Contractor's Examining Board on 2023-03-09 9:00 AM, Special Magistrate Hearing on 2023-03-15 9:00 AM, Planning and Zoning Board on 2023-04-04 6:00 PM, Contractor's Examining Board on 2023-04-13 9:00 AM, Special Magistrate Hearing on 2023-04-26 9:00 AM - CANCELLED, Planning and Zoning Board on 2023-05-02 6:00 PM, Contractor's Examining Board on 2023-05-11 9:00 AM, Planning and Zoning Board on 2023-06-06 6:00 PM, Contractor's Examining Board on 2023-06-08 9:00 AM, Planning and Zoning Board on 2023-07-05 6:00 PM, Contractor's Examining Board on 2023-07-13 9:00 AM, Planning and Zoning Board on 2023-08-01 6:00 PM, Contractor's Examining Board on 2023-08-10 9:00 AM, Planning and Zoning Board on 2023-09-05 6:00 PM, Contractor's Examining Board on 2023-09-14 9:00 AM, Planning and Zoning Board on 2023-10-03 6:00 PM, Contractor's Examining Board on 2023-10-12 9:00 AM, Planning and Zoning Board on 2023-11-07 6:00 PM, Planning and Zoning Board on 2023-12-05 6:00 PM, Contractor's Examining Board on 2023-12-14 9:30 AM, Planning and Zoning Board on 2024-01-02 6:00 PM, Planning and Zoning Board on 2024-02-06 6:00 PM. Department Of The Treasury, Melbourne, FL, Senior Information Technology Project Manager - (12 Month Register). Counties and municipalities must review their plans every seven years to determine if plan amendments are necessary to reflect changes in state requirements since the last update of the comprehensive plan. Ability to model respect for individuals, teams, and the organization. Provide recommendations to the City Manager prior to making recommendations to the City Council. The permitting office for the city is located in Building B of the City Hall Complex at 121 SW Port St. Lucie Boulevard in Port St. Lucie. The EAR-based amendments were found in compliance by the state land planning agency on November 7, 2012. L^xoqWYZyGy|tW%THZ KQ cD,^e']CBSe KK(sgJ}$K/dg,FfE\dZ Ex. By agreeing to submit your resume, you consent (in accordance with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy) to: Should you have any questions or wish have your information removed from our service, please contact us here. Ex. The City is served by a five-member elected Council, which sets policy and determines the long-term vision for the City. Planning & Zoning Utility Systems Engineering Overview Detailed The City of Port St. Lucie Comprehensive Plan was updated in 2012 with the adoption of the EAR-based Amendments on September 10, 2012. Location: 1556 SW Abacus Avenue Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Register and Pay for Classes/Programs Online, Public Hearings & Development Projects Map, Register for Alert St. Lucie Notifications, Commercial, Residential Review & Permitting, Drainage, Roadway, Mowing & Landscape Maintenance, NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System), St. Lucie River/C-23 Water Quality Project, Buy a ticket at the MIDFLORIDA Event Center, Conservation and Coastal Management Element. No. View the Future Land Use Wall Map. -m\*@ iHQ6hz&Vd.b#B41D1`Si+G"$bH"3f|{:km-RXP:}pj\F{5.BE/#Y-/^KI~mUd,PqP^e:*~T&NcUGdq|?vV_'"GSsc=^ag>ao/>8d~sxx~T}1;~=b/Xw1n\1.h%o6cBQ{7)M\QQn/G+~gg]vgSm1 v+m6+8N\tD.?+6!r"_7D=qW ay:On Port St. Lucie, FL (772) 871-5225 . The P&Z Commission has a total of ten (10) board members Return to City Clerk home page. ARCHITECTURAL WALL. Please make payment utilizing another form of payment. Port St. Lucie, FL Thank you for visiting the St. Lucie County, FL. CHAPTER 153: LANDSCAPE CODE; TREE PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION; LAND CLEARING TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE LANDSCAPING 153.01 Purpose and Intent . 2 153.02 Definitions2 153.03 Use of Landscaping for Site Development Area.. 5 153.04 Landscaping Requirements 6 153.05 More Stringent Requirements May Be Required 24 153.06 Submission of Landscaping Plan; Approved Prior to Enactment 24 153.07 City Planning; Enforcement.. 26 153.08 Contracting with Outside Agencies 27 153.09 Variances & Administrative Variances. 27 153.10 Exception to Landscaping Requirements .. 27 153.11 Administrative Reviews of a Landscape Plan.. 27 153.12 Exemption or Modification to Landscape Buffer Wall Requirement.. 28 TREE PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION 153.13 Legislative Intent 28 153.14 Permit Required for Tree Removal 29 153.15 Permit Procedure and Criteria for Issuing Permits 30 153.16 Tree Protection and Mitigation. 31 153.17 Appeal and Penalties .. 33 153.18 Alternative Compliance .. 33 153.19 Reserved LAND CLEARING 153.20 Legislative Intent 34 153.21 Definitions.. 34 153.22 General Requirements 35 153.23 Land Clearing Plan and Permit 37 153.24 Land Clearing Permit 38 153.25 Rights of Site Plan Review Committee to Impose Permit Conditions .. 39 153.26 Appeal of Decisions of Committee 39 153.27 Environmental Assessment.. 40 153.28 Penalty 40 Appendix A: Required Wall Plan Adjacent to a Right-of-Way Appendix B: Required Wall Elevation Detail Adjacent to a Right-of-Way Appendix C: City of Port St. Receive alerts for other Senior Planner-Planning and Zoning Department job openings, Estimation for Senior Planner-Planning and Zoning Department in FL 34986, FL.
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