The admission process includes these steps: Intake : You'll meet with one of our compassionate intake coordinators who will listen to your story and history, assess your situation, and determine how we can best help. To begin the process, all you have to do is pick up the phone and call our Patient Services department. Community & mental health inspection reports for Eastbourne District General Hospital can be found at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. Provide SDEC services at least 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our ratings reflected low levels of consultant cover, variable compliance with hand hygiene, inconsistent pain management, limited paediatric services and delays to triage, assessment and treatment. TN40 2DZ. Please give these to a nurse. Our hospital radio services provide a variety of programmes, free of charge, including daily request shows. They are standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to take your call. Infection prevention and control measures had improved since our previous inspection. 25 January 2023. However, monthly audits indicated low levels of compliance with trust standards relating to mental capacity assessments. Moving patients at night is only done in an emergency. We recommend using one of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari. This was our first inspection of the Eastbourne midwife unit. It also has seven maternity beds in a midwifery led maternity unit. AURORA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SYSTEM is Arizona's largest free-standing psychiatric hospital system. privacy policy, NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE: EASTBOURNE DISTRICT HEALTH AUTHORITY. On arrival to the ward you will be shown your allocated bed space, the bathroom and toilet facilities and given a call bell to contact staff as required. In the interim, time spent in the hospital receiving observation services should count toward the three-day stay threshold. Eastbourne District General Hospital is located on the outskirts of Eastbourne town centre. The service provided mandatory training in key skills to all staff and made sure everyone completed it. We observed safeguarding folders, which identified the safeguarding lead and the referral process. There were business continuity plans in place for use in the event of a major incident. We found there was strong and clear leadership capacity and capability. We rated it as outstanding because: We found the surgery services at Eastbourne District General Hospital (EDGH) to be good because: The hospital had good medicine management processes in place, which related to the security and storage of medicines on all the wards we visited. They were visible and approachable in the service for patients and staff. Leadership, governance and culture were used to drive and improve the delivery of high-quality person-centred care. Official information from NHS about Eastbourne District General Hospital including contact details, directions, opening hours and service/treatment details Departments and services - Eastbourne District General Hospital - NHS Ward and departmental safety thermometer results showed improvements across the service. Every effort will be made to find an appropriate bed in a single sex area as soon as possible dependent on your clinical requirements. Staff worked well together for the benefit of patients, supported them to make decisions about their care, and had access to good information. Bexhill On Sea, The service had enough staff to care for patients and keep them safe. Staff assessed risks to patients, acted on them and kept good care records. On the day of your discharge any medicines you need will be prescribed by the doctor and dispensed by the hospital pharmacy or the ward/unit area. Storage space is limited, but where possible, please bring with you or have brought in for you: We recommend that you ask a relative to take home any money or valuables you have on you when you are admitted to hospital. Matrons assistants support matrons with the clerical side of their job such as monitoring training compliance, collecting, and collating data for clinical audits. There were 735 mixed sex breaches on surgical wards at EDGH during a 12-month period. Staff provided good care and treatment, gave patients enough to eat and drink, and gave them pain relief when they needed it. This enabled staff to use escalation areas and additional spaces for patients whilst they waited for diagnosis and treatment. In the week beginning on April 3, 2021, hospital admissions were 85.5% of what would be expected based on historic patterns. Senior staff told us most wards have full establishment of staff at the start of a shift. The trust recognised the difficulties in matrons completing clinical and administrative work and they have introduced matrons assistants. Meals times are scheduled at varying times, depending on your unit, during the following time blocks: Breakfast: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. . If Aurora is not the appropriate place for a patient, our Patient Services team is very knowledgeable about other organizations and services available and is happy to assist individuals in obtaining the services that best meets their needs. We carried out a short notice announced focused inspection of the Maternity service, looking only at the safe and well led key questions. Apply to Admission Care jobs now hiring in Eastbourne on, the worlds largest job site. Data for the period December 2016 to December 2017 indicated variable performance in RCEM audits. If you need assistance to stop smoking please speak to a member of staff who can refer you to the appropriate service. We saw respectful and confident interaction between BME staff and white British staff on the wards we visited. Staff said matrons and senior nurses were visible and supportive within the department, they felt valued, listened to and respected and felt confident to raise any concerns with their line managers. 24/7 Patient Services Helpline (877) 870-7012, Aurora West 6015 W. Peoria Ave. Glendale, AZ 85302 Map. The unit is run by a group of core midwives and maternity support workers (MSWs) and is supported by the community midwifery teams. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. Overall: Good. Protected meal times mean that we can help patients who may need assistance with eating and drinking and maintain privacy and dignity. Care pathways used in surgery referred to national guidance from the National Institute for Care and Excellence (NICE) guidance and other bodies such as the British Orthopaedic Association guidelines. The discharge lounge is staffed by nursing staff who can care for all your needs while you are there. Any other browser may experience partial or no support. Records for patients with mental health needs required improvement to assure us of patient safety. 0300 131 4500, Cancel or reschedule your outpatient appointment, Long COVID Assessment and Support Service Feedback, Patient transport and help with travel costs. Leaders understood the challenges to quality and sustainability, and were taking action to address them. In general, medicines in theatres were well managed but we observed the block signing of controlled drugs which was contrary to best practice guidance. there are some services which we cant rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. Staff completed and updated risk assessments for each child and young person and removed or minimised risks. Whilst we noted significant improvements in the service from our findings on previous inspections, there were still areas where further work was needed. Conquest Hospital This included assessing the patient against the risk of falls, nutrition status, skin integrity and pain. the service is performing exceptionally well. Recruitment continued to provide challenges and whilst the trust had taken many steps to address this, the problem of recruiting sufficient permanent staff continued. We interviewed leaders to gain insight into the trusts leadership and governance model of the service. Aurora East. There were 10 times from 1 January 2019 to the 1 October 2019 where the short stay paediatric assessment unit, was closed at the weekends. They had received training in the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and knew how this impacted on their work. The service took account of children and young peoples individual needs and made it easy for people to give feedback. the service is performing well and meeting our expectations. Your information helps us decide when, where and what to inspect. We also looked at a wide range of documents including standard operating procedures, meeting minutes, risk assessments and recently reported incidents. the service is performing well and meeting our expectations. Eastbourne Station to Eastbourne District General Hospital by train, bus and walk. Patients and relatives told us that they were treated with dignity and compassion. Eastbourne District General Hospital has 337 inpatient beds, and eight critical care beds. This was evidenced through a few incident reports, such as when a patient remained in the emergency department for 19 hours when multidisciplinary medical teams failed to identify an appropriate care pathway. 27 February 2020. Mr Lawson refuses to engage in onerous pre-tests, so there is no entrance exam. The board above your bed will state your name, the consultant leading your care and your named nurse. No rating/under appeal/rating suspended Staff knew about the psychiatric liaison team based in accident and emergency department and that the team were available 24 hours every day. This programme addressed issues such as how appointments were booked, queuing systems for specialist doctors, clinic duration and capacity and demand leading to positive results for patient services and patient experience. The unit operated 24 hours a day for low risk mothers. We rated it as good because: Published A regular trolley service, with a selection of newspapers, magazines and confectionery, is available on most wards. Learning from the use of the major incident plan included the addition of ophthalmology staff to the list of contacts in the event of a major incident. The service managed safety incidents well and learned lessons from them. Any prescribed tablets and medication that you usually take at home. We noted that whilst the rating remained the same, there were noticeable improvements in many aspects of care. We aim to accommodate all our patients in same sex wards. The recently introduced electronic observation recording system had led to improvements in the management of deteriorating patients. Managers monitored the effectiveness of the service and made sure staff were competent. Standards for the completion of safeguarding training were variable with all staff meeting the requirement for level 1 training. Data collection takes place on one day each month and reported within monthly governance meetings. The team readily provided emotional support to patients when they were distressed or confused and used appropriate resources to support patients experiencing confusion as a result of dementia. Please speak to the nurse in charge of your care or area. It shows just 7 Covid patients in hospital across the Trust, with two on ventilators. Staff were caring and compassionate, working to maintain privacy and dignity of their patients. Other series are not available for consultation until 30 years from the last date of the document. We also inspected one other Maternity service run by East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. Patients' records are not available for consultation until 100 years from the last date of the document. 0300 131 4500, Eastbourne District General Hospital The outpatient department at Eastbourne hospital was undergoing an improvement programme for services provided to patients. the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. Latest data is for the East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, which covers the DGH, Conquest and Bexhill Hospital. This was demonstrated through consistently poor audit results despite governance interventions. Staff showed compassion when dealing with patients and protected their privacy and dignity. All those we spoke with were clear who their immediate manager was; this was not the case on the last inspection visit in 2015. 0300 131 4500, Bexhill Hospital Each report covers findings for one service across multiple locations, In The trusts referral to treatment time (RTT) for admitted pathways for surgical services had been worse than the England overall performance since July 2015. We rated safe as requires improvement and well-led as good and the Eastbourne Midwife Unit as requires improvement overall. Services were being transformed to make sure acute, outpatients, nursing outreach and community paediatric services holistically met the needs of children and young people. There were systems in place to support learning, improvement and innovation. Incidents were investigated by senior staff with lessons learnt shared across the trust. The Economic Consequences of Hospital Admissions Carlos Dobkin, Amy Finkelstein, Raymond Kluender, and Matthew J. Notowidigdo June 2017 Abstract We use an event study approach to examine the economic consequences of hospital admissions for adults in two datasets: survey data from the Health and Retirement Study, and hospitaliza- Our nurses will speak with you regularly to address any worries or concerns you may have, however please discuss any concerns you have with them at anytime. Bexhill-on-sea, This was a very significant improvement and meant that decisions about the care of complex patients were being made at the right level of seniority. If you have any dietary requirements, please speak to the nursing staff and they will assist you. AURORA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SYSTEM is Arizona's largest free-standing psychiatric hospital system. In the same survey the trust performed in line with the national average for 13 questions relating to how they involved patients in their care and worse than the national average in 11 questions. Admissions FAQ . The service ensured that staff had the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care, support and treatment. The Bare below the elbow policy was enforced more rigorously through the daily safety huddles. There were systems that ensured children with long term medical conditions were seen by paediatric consultants with specialist interests, for example diabetes. Hand hygiene audits in 2017 indicated consistently good practice with 98% compliance. For services we haven't rated we use ticks and crosses to show whether we've asked them to take further action or taken enforcement action against them. Provide an acute frailty service at least 70 hours a week, with the aim to complete a clinical frailty assessment within 30 minutes of arrival in the ED/SDEC unit. Kings Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2UD 0300 131 4500. There were readily observable changes made across the trust in relation to never events that had occurred, with learning widely disseminated. People were respected and valued as individuals. Our rating of the Eastbourne Midwife Unit was requires improvement. There was a system in place to identify patients who might be a little confused and need careful support in decision making.The coloured butterfly markers allowed staff to differentiate these patients from those with more advanced dementia.The dental team provided exemplary planning of care for patients with learning difficulties who needed dental surgery. Alahna Kindred; Published: 17:34, 30 Sep 2020; Updated: 20:59, 30 Sep 2020; They will help you evaluate transportation services for your patient/client to . Key services were available five days a week with out of hours and weekend cover also available when needed. Patient records were available, kept secure and up to date. The service had enough medical staff with the right qualifications, skills, training and experience to keep children, young people and their families safe from avoidable harm and to provide the right care and treatment. Learn more about PALS. Records were clear, up-to-date, stored securely and easily available to all staff providing care. You will have a small locker next to your bed or chair for your personal possessions. Acute Admissions Unit - Level 3. The emergency department team and multidisciplinary colleagues had implemented a number of initiatives to improve the experience of patients living with dementia, including more resources and increased staff training. The healthcare assistant team had been awarded as unsung heroes for their work in improving the patient experience and in most of our observations staff demonstrated a commitment to kindness, compassion and empathy. We saw minutes of meetings where incidents including never events were discussed and learning fed back to staff via ward meetings and newsletters, which were available in hard copy and circulated by email. The unit has two main birthing rooms, one included a birthing pool, two en-suite postnatal rooms for women to be transferred into after they have given birth. If you have a card detailing any current treatment, particularly a steroid card or Warfarin booklet, please bring this with you and inform one of the nurses. Explore Your Treatment Options : You . They treated patients with compassion and kindness, respected their privacy and dignity, took account of their individual needs, and helped them understand their conditions. Our rating of this service improved. Holliers Hill, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN40 2DZ Black and minority ethnic (BME) reported that they felt supported and accepted as part of the hospital workforce. Hospedia is a private company which provides this service and they set the charges, including the cost of incoming and outgoing calls. the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. Building: Acute Admissions Unit. It is managed by the East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust . Good Alcohol or any illegal or non-prescription drugs. Managers investigated incidents and shared lessons learned with the whole team and the wider service. The safeguarding team had recently been expanded and was addressing specific areas of the trust where shortfalls in practice were identified. We rated it as requires improvement because: This was the first time we inspected the Eastbourne maternity services without gynaecology, and the first visit since it changed to the Eastbourne Midwifery Unit. Browser Support And while figures continue to go up, Covid hospital admissions in Eastbourne remain incredibly low. At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and The Ridge, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN37 7RD Senior staff monitored and updated risks on the service risk register frequently and had initiated a number of strategies to reduce risks. / 50.7864829; 0.2697638. Third party children and adolescent mental health services did not accept assessments after 3pm. We recommend using one of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari. Equipment checks were now given a higher priority. Daily checks of essential equipment were taking place with records available to confirm senior oversight of equipment checks occurring. Learning from Morbidity and Mortality meetings needed further development. At the time of our inspection visit it was partially rolled out with a clear timeline for continued introduction of key aspects of the framework.The triumvirate management structure for the division gave clear lines of reporting, clear accountabilities and responsibilities and was known to staff. Staff we spoke with were highly motivated to provide care that was kind and promoted dignity. The Epic Health Research Network (EHRN) data show hospital admissions remaining below expected levels through at least April 9, 2021. Some policies we viewed on line for example the acute asthma in children, Abdominal pain in children: managing children with gastroenteritis and managing fluids in children needed review as they were up to two years out of date. This information will help us make improvements to the website. Strong clear leadership seen, staff felt well managed and well led. This included greater emphasis on evidence-based practice and training. The department performed similarly to or better than national averages in the Emergency Department Survey 2016 and between November 2016 and December 2017 in the time from arrival to initial assessment. The reason for these was not documented in most cases. The doctor will prescribe all the tablets and medicines that you need while you are in hospital, as well as any you need when you return home. Medicines management had been added to the safety thermometer as an additional performance measure. Kings Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2UD, Medical care (including older peoples care). Patients and relatives said staff go above and beyond and the care received exceeded their expectations. We saw staff monitor patients national early warning signs (NEWS) scores and discuss patients within safety huddle meetings that had consistently high scores. Hospitals. There had been times when these staff were not specialist trained in paediatric care. How to get to Eastbourne Hospital by Bus? Acute Admissions Limited Headquarters. Patients and relatives we spoke with gave positive feedback about the care they received on the unit. The service struggled with staffing numbers and staff did not always have the right qualifications, skills, training and experience to keep children, young people and their families safe from avoidable harm and to provide the right care and treatment. We rated it as requires improvement because: Community & mental health inspection reports for Eastbourne District General Hospital can be found at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. Where a patient experiences disorientation we will aim to keep moves to a minimum. Infection prevention and control standards were variable. We will ask you to sign a property and valuables disclaimer on your admission as part of the admission documentation process. Alcohol Care Teams are embedded in Conquest hospital in Hastings and Eastbourne District General. Please visit our Insurances Accepted page to learn more. All staff received a quarterly newsletter called you said, we said and gives staff information of common risks and examples of learning from incidents. Call us today, 24/7, for a free, confidential assessment. Admissions Unit - Eastbourne DGH - Information for the day of your surgery This information gives you some advice and helps you prepare for your procedure and visit to the Admissions Unit at Eastbourne DGH. We inspected the Maternity service as part of our national maternity inspection programme.