So forgive me if I'm a little slow on putting this list together. WebList of Skyenimals that start with E. Ebbit. - The man-eating beast that lived on the opposite side of the Strait of Messina from Charybdis. An example of a faun from pop culture is Mr. Tumnus from The Chronicles of Narnia. Another myth says that vampires cannot enter your house unless you invite them in. These attributes helped them fulfill their purpose. Puck is a conniving fairy from Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream. ), Z: Zombies Often, the horn is long and spiraling. Some of them are small, and some are human-like. The Kraken has large and strong tentacles that can pull entire ships under the water. A phoenix can live up to 500 years. Check out our list of Greek Gods and Goddesses. Each culture has its own rite of exorcism. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have a page for zombie preparedness on their website! - A winged creature in the shape of a man with hypnotic red eyes sighted in West Virginia. However, some modern stories also feature mermen. - The three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades. When possessed by the Wendigo, a human will suddenly desire human flesh. This adjective comes from the imagery that the bible paints of the monster Behemoth. ), O: Orcs The Centaur appears in many books and films, including the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series. However, there are times that the creative mind changes or even creates the creatures of lore. Its exact description varies; it is described alternately as resembling a crocodile, beaver or dwarf-like creature, and is sometimes said to be a demon. - The nickname for a werewolf-like creature seen multiple times in Wisconsin. Anything related to mythology is mythological. Thus, she gave birth to the Minotaur. However, instead of humans, they drink the blood of goats, cows, and other livestock. After, it will simply rise from its own ashes again. Are you sure you want to delete your score and checked items on this list? ), J: Jack Frost T: Troll This mythical creature has appeared in many cartoons, TV shows, and films. A unicorns horn also is known as the bane of evil in that it has the ability to dispel anything malignant in water and can also kill most truly evil creatures it comes in to contact with. (Originally thought of as a race of divine or semi-divine beings endowed with magical powers, which they use both for the benefit and the injury of mankind. ), L: Loch Ness In Korean culture, these mythical creatures are called Dokkaebi. This name translates to Korean goblins. Dokkaebi have different physical forms. Locusts. Radiation, diseases, and lab mishaps often lead to the zombie apocalypse. Maybe you should add a shape-shifter or animorph. Tengus can have the wings of eagles or hawks. (Able to see the future, or touched in the head. Even though she was already dead, the severed head could still turn people into stone. Merpeople, humans with fish tail after torso (. They are usually depicted without wings. (A supernatural being found in many religions, whose duties are to assist and serve God. However, only one of them can exist at any time. Four for four-legged Griffin. WebEdimmu ( Sumerian) Ghosts of those not buried properly Egbere ( Yoruba) Humanoid that carries a magical mat Eikthyrnir ( Norse) Einherjar ( Norse) Spirits of brave warriors Ekek ( Philippine) Flesh-eating, winged humanoids Elbow Witch ( Ojibwa) Hags with Together, they are chaos monsters that people should be wary of. Mokele-mbembe - WebThis is an alphabetically ordered list of Greek mythological figures, including deities and other immortal beings as well as significant legendary mortals. Cyclopes play a big role in Greek mythology. ), Erinyes Instead, theyre magical animals that people worship and pray to. ), S: Sprite ), Demons The Romans had fauns, very similar creatures, but with goat-like features. The Cyclops is another one of Ancient Greeces mythical creatures. WebMythological creatures. dont waste your traffic, you can earn additional cash Would you prefer to share this page with others by linking to it? The god sends the raven to fetch some water in his cup, but the bird gets distracted by a fig tree and spends a few days lazily resting and waiting for the figs to ripen. (A cryptic that is reputed to inhabit Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. In some versions of this tale, the golem could turn invisible and summon spirits. Though they are mortal, Dwarves have an average lifespan of 250 years. Roman Gods and Goddesses Names and RolesEdesia was the Goddess of food who presided over banquetsEgeria, water nymph or goddess, later considered one the CamenaeEgestes, Goddess of povertyEmpanda or Panda, a goddess openness, friendliness and generosityEpona, goddess of horses and horsemanshipEventus Bonus, God of success both in commerce and in agricultureRoman Gods and Goddesses Names and Functions, Dictionary of Roman and Greek gods starting with 'E', Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with the letter 'E', Interesting information via the Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names, Facts and information about the Ancient World for schools and kids. 7 for seven-headed Uchchaishravas. What did the Nazis begin using gas chambers instead of mobile killing units and shooting squads after a while? Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: JapanOther names: N/A. Werewolves are humans that can shape-shift into a wolf. When a patient suddenly craves human flesh, they are experiencing Wendigo psychosis. Child of Phorcys and Keto. It has a crayfish-like tail, numerous legs along its body which it uses like oars to move, and extremely long hairs that protrude from its nostrils. A griffin is a hybrid with the body, hind legs, and tail of a lion. Bigfoot is around 6 to 15 feet tall, and he stands on two feet. Scythian Dracanae, upper body of a woman, lower body composed of two snake tails. It has an eagles head, talons, and wings. They often ride wolves or wargs. - A small, flying humanoid with magical abilities. This giant eye rests on the cyclops forehead. A fast, at-a-glance list of short definitions starting with 'E' are provided in this section on Greek and Roman Mythology. The following Roman Gods Family Tree provides a fast reference and instant overview of the genealogy of the principle Roman gods and goddesses detailing family connections, genealogy and relationships between the main gods and goddesses who feature in the legends and mythology of the Romans. Thus, the phoenix was an important symbol of life and death. These features help them lure and drink from unsuspecting victims. Cerberus? Of all of the projects here on, compiling a list of mythical creatures and their stories is going to be one of the toughest. One notable example is the reference to this sea creature in the Twilight franchise. Meanwhile, the other half of its body is of an eagle. Gorgons are mythical creatures that appear in the earliest stories of Ancient Greece. Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'Discover interesting information and facts about Roman and Greek mythology and legend in the Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'. She killed anyone who couldnt answer her riddles, but wouldnt let anyone through the gates she stood in front of unless they could. What is the answer punchline algebra 15.1 why dose a chicken coop have only two doors? ), R: Roc A who's-who of the heroes, villains, gods, goddesses, monsters and mythical creatures in classical Roman and Greek mythology. Making eye contact with the gorgon or any of the snakes in her hair will immediately turn you into stone. Scylla only happened once tho does it count? Some also believed that witches could control these mythical creatures. (A self-eating, circular being as the first living thing in the universean immortal, perfectly constructed animal. Some say they are real and believe to have seen them; others are just not that into them. According to some stories, the Bogeyman would steal naughty children at night. Unicorns are majestic yet gentle horses with a single horn on their forehead. - A spirit appearing as a frenzied old woman whose high pitched shriek prophesied a death soon to come. ), Skin Walker It is a creature that God created to showcase his power. Read also: 50 Sweet Valentines Day Facts To Celebrate Love, Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Middle EastOther names: Great Beast, The Water-Ox. Euagrus or Evagrus, a Lapith killed by the centaur Rhoetus at the Centauromachy. (A legendary gigantic bird from Arabian legends. The term, cyclops, comes from the Greek word for Round Eye. As their name suggests, cyclopes are giant creatures with only one eye. WebMythical Creatures List Amarok - This beast is a gigantic wolf that roams about in the deep woods waiting to hunt down and devour anyone foolish enough to venture out there alone. Another one of the most popular mythical creatures is the ghoul. Maeonian Drakon, a dragon that lived in the kingdom of, Nemean dragon, a dragon that guarded Zeus' sacred grove in, Ophiogenean dragon, a dragon that guarded Artemis' sacred grove in, Rhodian dragons, serpents that inhabited the island of, Thespian dragon, a dragon that terrorized the city of, The Ethiopian Dragon was a breed of giant serpent native to the lands of. Thus, stories often warn of goblins who will steal from you. Their role ranges from fiendish giants similar to the ogres of England to a devious, dwarf-like folk of the wilderness, living underground in hills, caves or mounds. The god Poseidon gave Minos a bull to sacrifice. What is the reflection of the story of princess urduja? WebGreek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E' Erisichthon: An unbeliever; punished by famine Eros: Greek god of love, Roman counterpart Cupid - child of Light and Day - Most depictions show them wearing a green suit and hat. (Is a demon who takes the form of a woman to seduce men in dreams to have sexual intercourse. Read also: Facts about Adoption Statistics Cost LGBT More, Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: ChinaOther names: Chinese dragon, loong, long, lung. After feasting on the figs, the raven finally brings Apollo the cup filled with water and he also brings a water snake (Hydra) as an excuse for being so late. ), K: Kraken ), Harpy Killing the Hydraproved to be quite a challenge, as two heads would grow back whenever one was cut off. In Greek mythology, a fauns counterpart is the satyr. (Are a troop of male companions of Pan and Dionysus. A fast, at-a-glance list of short definitions starting with 'E' are provided in this section on Greek and Roman Mythology. Gnome - A small, humanoid creature who lives and moves beneath the earth. Nephilum Within the fantasy and fiction we can find a numberless list of creatures or beings that have lived throughout history and its myths. (Portrayed as physically stronger or weaker than humans, but always high in numbers. Once the touch they dirt of their grave, they go back to being dead.). It is only after a person performs a charm or rite can the golem come to life. - The fire-breathing giant who challenged Zeus for control of Mount Olympus. The mythological basilisk is not to be confused with the common basilisk. Giant Onion. The Kraken is a gigantic sea monster that looks like an octopus. In some legends, the basilisk is only a small snake. They are much like giants. The unicorns blood and horn supposedly have mystical healing properties. ), M: Medusa Giantomachian dragon, a dragon that was thrown at Athena during the Giant war. LatmusEnna: Plain in Sicily;favorite resort of ProserpinaEnyo: Greek goddess of war and peacekeeping, Roman counterpart BellonaEos: Greek goddess of dawn, Roman counterpart Aurora- jealousy of, - winds, offspring ofEpaphus: Son of Jupiter and Io;founder of MemphisEphesus: City in Asia Minor sacred to DianaEphialtes: Giant son of Neptune- brother of Otus;imprisons MarsEpigoni: Sons of the seven chiefs who besieged ThebesEpimetheus: Greek god of afterthought, Roman counterpart EpimetheusEpimetheus (Afterthought): Son of Iapetus- husband of PandoraEpimetheus signifies after-thought, Prometheus fore-thoughtEpirus: Country visited by Aeneas, who meets Andromache thereErato: One of the Muses;daughter of Jupiter and MnemosyneErebus: God of darkness- marries his mother, Night- progenitor of egg- dethronedEridanus: River into which Phaeton fell from the sun chariot- Hercules consults nymphs ofErinnyes: Collective name given to the FuriesEris: Eris Greek goddess of war, Roman counterpart Discordia, goddess of discord and strife- apple cast by, Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'Erisichthon: An unbeliever;punished by famineEros: Greek god of love, Roman counterpart Cupid - child of Light and Day- arrows of, - egg produces- causes mans creation- mans life given byErymanthus: Place where Hercules slew the wild boarErythea: Island home of Geryones;visited by HerculesEteocles: Son of Oedipus and Jocasta- reigns one year- slain by his brotherEthiopia: Country visited by BacchusEthiopians: Happy race of Africa, south of the river Oceanus;visited by the godsEuboean or Euboic Sea: Sea where Hercules cast LichasEumaeus: Swineherd visited by Ulysses on his return to Ithaca, - Ulysses aided byEumenides: Collective name given to Furies- forest sacred toEuphrosyne: One of the three Graces or Charites;attendant of VenusEuropa: Daughter of Agenor;wife of Jupiter, - mother of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon, Eurotas: River near Sparta, where Helen bathedEurus: Greek god of the east wind, Roman counterpart Vulturnusson of Aeolus and AuroraEuryale: One of the three terrible GorgonsEuryalus: Youth sent with Nisus to warn Aeneas that his son was in dangerEuryclea: Nurse of Ulysses;recognizes him after twenty years absence- Penelope awakened byEurydice: Wife of Orpheus, who seeks her in HadesEurylochus: Leader of Ulysses men- escaped Circes spell- Ulysses men misled byEurynome: Wife of Jupiter;mother of the GracesEurystheus: Hercules taskmaster;appointed twelve laborsEurytus: Ioles father;visited twice by HerculesEuterpe: One of the Muses;presided over musicEutychia Greek goddess of success, Roman counterpart FelicitasEuxine Sea: Same as Pontus Euxinus, or the Black SeaEvander: King of Tuscans;ally of Aeneas;father of Pallas, Evenus: Father of Marpessa;drowned himself in river of same name- Hercules crosses- Fama: Attendant of Jupiter, goddess of fame. ), C: Cyclops It is a two-handed war club with spikes or studs along the body. Each of these passages describes the Leviathan differently. ), Goblins Often, these folklore creatures say a lot about the culture of its origin. search for: best adsense alternative Wrastains tools. Leviathan is a monster that lives in the seas. WebLists of legendary creatures. E: Elf (Originally thought of as a race of divine or semi-divine beings endowed with magical powers, which they use both for the benefit and the injury of Among Chinese mythical creatures, dragons are the most popular. There are many notable centaurs in Greek legends. - Part-lion, part-goat, part-snake - all monster. The term, fauns, comes from the name Faunus. Faunus is the Ancient Roman god of the forest. (The living dead reanimated corpses brought back to serve a sorcerer. - A mythical beast with a lion's body and a human's head. Ghost Disembodied spirits of those Hopefully your favorite creature will remain true to form or even better yet, transform into something even more fantastic than you ever thought possible. What is error code E01-5 on Toyota forklift. Some legends say ghouls can only be killed with one strike. Something mythological can also be described as mythic, mythical, or mythologic. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Canada and North AmericaOther names: Sasquatch. Learn more at. During the 16th century, a rabbi from Prague created a golem out of a riverbanks clay. It feeds on human flesh and most small animals. (Meaning punished one or he who was punished by heaven is a Pre-Qin Dynasty mythological headless giant. WebGiant of Mont Saint Michel. Echidna, the mother of monsters, and Ceto, the mother of sea monsters, are two famous dracaenae. The Trojan Cetus was a sea monster that plagued Troy before being slain by Heracles. For many, gnomes are just decorative figures in ones garden. In Greek mythology, the Minotaur is a beast with the head of a bull and the body of a man. Aeternae, creatures with bony, saw-toothed protuberances sprouting from their heads. - A giant bird that creates storms with its wings. During Imperial China, the emperor favored the Chinese dragon. - A member of an ancient race of men with the heads of dogs. Most stories depict fairies as small winged creatures that can fly. Gigantic snakes of Libya, according to Diodorus. Depending on the culture, mermaids can be good or evil creatures. Aristotelian Corpus, On Marvelous Things Heard, 30, Aelian, Characteristics of Animals, 10.40, "Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898), Ocyrho", Aelian, Characteristics of Animals, 10.39, The Library of History of Diodorus Siculus, Book III, 54, Aelian, On The Characteristics Of Animals 2.21, Aelian, On The Characteristics Of Animals 6.21, Strabo, Geography, H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A., Ed., CHAPTER III, Classical mythology in western art and literature,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from July 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Rhoetus, a centaur who fought and killed at the, Cyprian centaurs, bull-horned centaurs native to the island of, Lamian centaurs or Lamian Pheres, twelve rustic spirits of the. Type of creature: Land and seaPlace of origin: EuropeOther names: King of Serpents, Ancient Serpent, Cockatrice. Lykos () of Athens was a wolf-shaped her, whose shrine stood by the jury court, and the first jurors were named after him. One glance from the basilisk will either paralyze or kill you. They were usually featured in myths of a hero rescuing a sacrificial princess.
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